SQL Server Services

PRD Software have been developing software solutions for SQL Server since the v6.5 days.  We know SQL Server and love working with this powerful enterprise database platform from Microsoft.  We're active members in the Australian SQL Server scene, and have been helping our clients and others in the following ways.


SQL Server is a powerful platform, but like all high-performance systems, it needs to be monitored, regulated and tweaked for optimum performance.  Auditing a SQL Server system involves documenting all aspects of a server and it's databases and understanding the technological platform and configuration.  If you have a SQL Server configuration that you would like to know more about, talk to the team at PRD Software and we can perform a system-wide audit that will reveal the information you need.


Do you have a slow application?  It could be the database?  When was the last time the indexes were maintained, rebuilt and optimized?  Is your server adequately specced to suitable hardware and software requirements?  An SQL Server database is a powerful engine, but like all high-performance engines, it needs regular maintenance and fine-tuning.  Let PRD Software perform and audit of your database and applications and show you how you can improve speed, reliability and maintainability.

Installation, or migration of SQL Server databases

Need to install a new application that requires a SQL Server database?  Not sure about how, where or why?  Collation settings a mystery?  When installing or moving a SQL Server database, there are many options to consider.  Contact PRD Software to discuss your options and get recommendations on the best way forward.  A bad decision made when installing or moving a database can cause big problem down the track.  Get it right from the very beginning and you'll have a trouble-free experience throughout the life of the database.


Upgrades are a must for all SQL Server installation.  They can also greatly increase performance, stability, visibility and open the door to better and faster development of databases, code and integration. 

Upgrades can also be tricky to get right.  Like an installation, there are many options to consider.

Database Emergency!!

Do you have a SQL Server database emergency? 

Users being locked out?  Security breach?  SQL Injection attack?  Backup not restoring correctly? Corrupt or damaged database?  Indexing gone haywire, or a mis-matched collation setting?

Call PRD Software and we can help.  We've worked with just about every disaster situation possible with SQL Server and have a vast knowledge base of fixes, work-arounds and solutions.


Helpdesk and ITSM Reporting

Need some reports?  Regardless of the report tool used (Crystal, Cognos, Excel, SQL Server Reporting Services etc), all good reports rely on well-constructed database queries and views.  Whether you're reporting off of an OLTP system, or a database warehouse, PRD Software can assist with your reporting needs.


helpdesk ITSM dashboard

PowerBI.  If you haven't seen the dashboards and reports that can be generated by the Microsoft tool PowerBI, you're missing out.  PRD Software can help you build your reporting requirements using this awesome tool that is taking the reporting world by storm.

For further information about helpdesk and ITSM reporting, please visit the HelpMaster reports page.

IT Consultancy

PRD Software consultants are experts in IT consultancy, with a special focus on the following areas

  • Software development, including software configuration management
  • Database design and implementation
  • ITSM and help-desk consulting
  • Project management


Technical documentation

PRD Software can assist your team with technical documentation of any sort.  We have skilled technical writers that can assist with the following documentation tasks.

  • Training documentation
  • Application guides, help-files, training guides
  • Project management charters and planning
  • Research papers and White papers


DNN (formerly Dot Net Nuke) websites

PRD Software have been using the DNN platform since the beginning, and have a lot of knowledge and technical ability in this powerful content management systems (CMS).   DNN is a great solution for corporate websites, small business, or just for home/hobby enthusiasts that just want to get on the web.  For information about DNN, see www.dnnsoftware.com

PRD Software offer the following services for DNN.

  • Website creation
  • Website maintenance
  • Website trouble-shooting / upgrading
  • Website SEO
  • Website hosting

Contact PRD Software to discuss your needs.